Work Permit in Poland

What is Work Permit?

Work Permit is a permission for the foreigner who arrive to or reside in Poland for performing work activity. It can be different types for special conditions. The regular one is A type. This work permit has to get the main company who invites the foreigner. Important part of work permit process is Labor Market Search.

Remember that not all categories of foreigners require work permit. We will discuss it later in our article.

What are the types of Work Permit that we assist with?

Difference of work permits:
  • A type: This is referred to regular foreign employees of any Polish company. Immigration fee 100 PLN. This is the most popular document for employment nowadays.
  • B type: This is referred to Members of the Board of Polish company. Immigration fee 100 PLN.
  • C type: Foreign company A (where person works) has a department in Poland and wants to transfer him there for longer than 30 days in a calendar year. Immigration fee 100 PLN.
  • D type: Foreign company A (where person works) doesn't have department in Poland and wants to transfer him there to provide a temporary and occasional service, i.e. the so-called export service for longer than 30 days in a calendar year. Immigration fee is 200 PLN.
  • E type: Foreign company A (where person works) doesn't have department in Poland and wants to transfer him there for more than 30 days in 6 following months. Immigration fee 100 PLN.
Of course the list of the documents and logic of the process differ a lot. Work permits above are applied to non-EU countries nationals.

Beside that we have procedure "Notification UKR" for Ukrainians and "Declaration of Entrusting Work" which relates to 4 nationalities: Georgia, Moldavia, Armenia, Belarus. Ukrainians also belong to that category, but are temporary free of any work permits in Poland due to the war, but notification is required.

Work permit is done for 1 person (employee). If Employee has dependents - they submit documents for D type visa together with him.

What is the procedure?

Verification of status
and documents
We start by reviewing the client's current status and all relevant documentation to ensure everything is in order for the application process.
Reservation of Appointment
We schedule an appointment in Immigration within the legal stay period.
Consulting with HR Department
Our team advises the HR department on the necessary documents required for the Work Permit application, ensuring complete compliance with legal requirements.
We will file the case based on Power of Attorney.
Work Permit Collection
Once the Work Permit is approved, we collect it and deliver to the company.