To be eligible for the Pole’s Card in Poland, applicants must:
- Declare themselves as members of the Polish Nation.
- Demonstrate their connection to Polish culture through basic knowledge of the Polish language and an understanding of Polish traditions and customs.
- Make a written declaration of their affiliation to the Polish Nation in front of a Provincial Governor or their designated representative.
- Provide proof of Polish nationality or active involvement in promoting Polish culture or the Polish national minority for at least three years.
- Confirm that neither they nor their ancestors were repatriated from Poland and that they do not currently hold Polish citizenship or a permanent residence permit.
Stateless individuals in Ukraine are also eligible for the Pole’s Card.
To prove Polish origin, applicants can provide various documents issued by Polish state or church authorities, or by the authorities of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, relating to themselves or their ancestors.
Knowledge of the Polish language can be demonstrated by submitting a certificate from a state examination board, or certificates from schools or universities in Poland or abroad where Polish is the language of instruction. In the absence of these certificates, language skills will be assessed during an interview.