Orientation services

Personalized Orientation Services: Smoothly Settling into Life in Poland

Transitioning to a new country can be a complex journey, but with our specialized orientation services, we ensure your acclimation to Poland is seamless and enjoyable. Our tailor-made approach covers every aspect of daily life to help you feel at home from the moment you arrive.

  1. Neighborhood and Shopping Orientation: Get to know your new neighborhood with our guided tours, including insights into local grocery shopping nuances and finding the best shopping options to suit your lifestyle.
  2. Transportation Guidance: We'll introduce you to the local transportation system, explaining parking, driving rules, and the use of public transport and taxis, ensuring you navigate your new city with ease.
  3. Exploring Local Amenities: Discover nearby shopping centers, leisure facilities, and the convenience of food and shopping delivery services in your area.
  4. Healthcare and Emergency Services: We provide recommendations for English-speaking doctors and healthcare facilities and advise on what to do in emergencies, ensuring you’re prepared for any situation.
  5. Safety and Security Briefing: Receive essential safety and security information specific to your area, giving you peace of mind as you settle in.
  6. Connecting with Expatriate Communities: We'll help you find and connect with expatriate communities and activities, making it easier to meet new people and build your social network.
  7. Sports and Leisure Activities: Find out about the various sport and leisure options available, tailored to your interests and lifestyle, to help you relax and enjoy your free time.
  8. Technical Settling-In Assistance: Beyond the basics, we assist with setting up contracts for internet, TV, or satellite services in your home, and help with arranging utility contracts for water, gas, and electricity.
  9. Domestic Help and Banking Services: We provide recommendations and introductions for reliable babysitting and cleaning services. Plus, we guide you through the process of opening a bank account, including internet banking and setting up debit/credit cards.

Our orientation services are designed to make your transition into life in Poland as smooth as possible. With our comprehensive support, you can focus on enjoying your new adventure, confident that all the practical details are taken care of.