Tax Residence Certificates 2025 (Dropbox, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Canva, Zapier)

Accounting in the world of marketing and advertising is the part that many entrepreneurs would most like to avoid. Unfortunately, taxes are an integral part of doing business - but you can make it easier for yourself! One tool that allows you to efficiently account for advertising expenses is a tax residency certificate.

Download tax residency certificate for 2025

Find up-to-date tax residency certificates from major advertising and business platforms in one place:
  • Google 2025,
  • LinkedIn 2025,
  • Canva 2025,
  • Dropbox 2025,
  • Zapier 2025. And coming soon, Facebook's tax residency certificate for 2025!

What is a tax residency certificate?

It is a document that confirms the country in which an entity settles its taxes. It is of crucial importance for entrepreneurs who use foreign services, as it allows them to determine where the tax on purchased services should be paid.

These certificates are usually issued at the beginning of each calendar year, and it is a good idea to include them in your docket right away

What does a tax residency certificate contain?

Each certificate includes:
  • date of issue,
  • company data,
  • address of the registered office,
  • validity period (usually one year).
It is important to always have up-to-date certificates - otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences.

Why do you need a tax residency certificate?

If you use ads on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Canva, Dropbox or LinkedIn, this document will help you avoid double taxation. Without it, you may end up paying unnecessary income tax on advertising services.

In addition, the certificate is extremely useful in case of a tax audit - having it will help you avoid problems and additional costs.

How to get a tax residency certificate?

The best solution is to have the original, but in practice most accountants and offices will accept a scan. If you want, you can contact service providers support, but you don't have to - you can find all the current certificates in one place and download them completely free.